Grateful American® Foundation

IntellectualTakeout Reports: What’s Wrong with Civics Education Today?

October 21, 2016

pledgeallegiance2October 20, 2016, Intellectual Takeout — “With Civics 101 unfolding before our eyes with the election, Education Secretary John King hit the campaign trail to advocate for more civics education in schools,” explains reporter Annie Holmqvist in today’s edition of Intellectual Takeout.

“His idea is a good one, particularly since only 1 in 4 high school seniors are proficient in that area,” Holmqvist believes, adding: “According to King, teachers should do more than simply teach the facts of civics education. They should also teach students to take those facts into society, apply them to current situations, and then advocate for liberty and justice for those around them.”

Consider this Washington Post report.

Click here to read more of Holmqvist’s article.

Image by: CherryPoint

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