Grateful American® Foundation

Honoring the 20th Anniversary of 9/11 at the New-York Historical Society

Immediately following the attacks, the New-York Historical Society launched its History Responds collecting initiative.

For those seeking a place to commemorate the tragedy and heroism of 9/11, visit the New-York Historical Society on Saturday, September 11, 2021 as they tell the story of sacrifice, generosity, and determination to rebuild through special programs and displays of materials collected and preserved by the great historian of New York, Kenneth T. Jackson, who was president of New-York Historical in 2001. The collecting effort begun by Ken, now internationally known as History Responds, yields an immensely sad but nevertheless uplifting vision of our city and its will to revive. New-York Historical curators took the lead in documenting the history that was all around them, from the World Trade Center disaster site to makeshift memorials and shrines, and the responses of schools, places of worship, and businesses. More information >

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